CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility

As one of the leading specialists in the field of ferry shipping, FRS has long been committed to the company's responsibility to deal with current and future environmental and social challenges. CSR is embedded into our corporate strategy, our processes and our corporate culture. All CSR activities of FRS are managed in the group-wide program "FRS Cares".

The program and thereby all our actions focus on responsible business practices that are geared towards long-term and sustainable strategies and that aim to reduce our environmental footprint. We are committed to create personal development opportunities for our international teams in a dynamic and secure work environment and to build relationships with our customers and business partners that are characterized by fairness, trust and reliability. The constant improvement of our services contributes to this just as much as operating to the highest international standards.

We firmly believe that through transparency in our actions we create trust – within our own company, among our customers and business partners.


Do you have questions on this topic? Send your e-mail to: csr(at)frs.de