Apprentices standing around a propeller.

Launching A Successful Career

For more than 150 years and running, FRS successfully stands its ground on the market while continuously providing for high quality products and services. Our secret? We recruit colleagues that fit into our team.

This applies to our managers as it does to our apprentices. For more than 50 years, FRS has been training young professionals, thus offering the perfect mix of theory and practice.

Three hard facts about FRS in English.

At our offices worldwide, we currently train 51 apprentices and dual students. Through our training concepts and flexible application, we secure their continuous development from an early stage.

Not only do our young professionals benefit from this approach but also FRS as a company: 75 % of our former dual students and apprentices have stayed with the company, providing for a successful start into their professional life.

Apprentices standing around a propeller.

Apprenticeships & Dual Courses Of Study In Flensburg

Read more about an apprenticeship or a dual course of study at FRS

Apprenticies & Dual Studies