Crewmembers in safety clothing standing an a vessle

Employee Development

At FRS, we focus on individual and sustainable development of our staff: It is them who keep the company on its successful course. At the same time we enable our colleagues to pursue an interconnected career throughout our group of companies, eventually leading to a specialist or leadership position.

Discovering And Promoting Talents

Experienced specialist or business newbie? We do not make any differences when identifying talent!

Through structured processes we identify potentials throughout our group and develop them professionally, methodically and personally.

female employee standing on a vessle

Supporting Internal Mobility

New fields of work, new business areas, new markets – our worldwide activities provide our employees with a wide scope of development possibilities ashore and aboard our fleet. For more than 10 years FRS has seconded employees to FRS entities. During the last eight years alone, we were able to offer new job opportunities to twelve of our colleagues in our subsidiaries in Germany, Portugal, Sweden, Albania, Cyprus, Spain, Oman, the US and Canada.

apprentice walking throug a door, holding a notebook.

Giving Feedback

Regular feedback ensures that our employees get the chance to reflect their performance together with their superiors.

It is our goal to mutually plan individual professional developments in our group and to identify supporting measures like seminars and courses.

a busiess meeting in a decent atmosphere.

Get To Know Our Talents

Employee of the project department.

Sarah Evers, Assistant Project Management at FRS


"With FRS, I was able to get to know a company that supports its trainees and dual students right from the contract signing and is always there to support. Even after I have completed my apprenticeship as office management assistant, the perfect position was found with me at FRS. Now I support the management of FRS Baltic as well as the Business & Corporate Development department as Assistant Project Management and I can perfectly contribute my ideas and my strengths to the team."

Employee of the IT department.

Lukas Pohlmann, System Engineer at FRS Systems


„Thanks to FRS I was able to further develop my professional skills in addition to school-based and company-based trainings. YoPoNet (Young Potential Network) offered me the chance to really get to know myself. Together with apprentices from other companies I acquired valuable skills related to working in intercompany teams that I can now put to use in my daily work. FRS always accompanied and supported me on my way.”

Employee of the Legal and Insurance Department.

Jonas Jansen, Legal & Insurance Manager at FRS


„FRS has offered me the opportunity to strike new professional paths within the company. Having started my career in business development, including a stay of several years abroad, I now focus on specific legal and insurance topics. My strengths and personal interests are recognised, I am enabled to actively participate in my professional development and can acquire further qualifications to grow in my specialist position."